Wednesday, February 10, 2016

LA School District closes its campuses to immigration officers

The Los Angeles Unified School District has declared all schools in its district as safe zones. What that means is that immigration officers will not be allowed on campus to take away children who are illegal immigrants. I believe this move is a good step on the part of the LA Unified School District as it helps advocate safety and promote safety for all children - not just children who are our citizens or who are here legally. If we want a more just world, we must learn to be just to everyone and ensure human rights - not just rights for our citizens.

In addition, I find it somewhat appalling that immigration officials would want to go to schools to snatch children from schools. Firstly, what would doing something like that say about how the U.S.  views education? Secondly, it would also be a slippery slope - today, it is a school district. Tomorrow it will be a hospital. Are we going to put people's education, livelihood, and even lifespan at risk simply because they do not have a visa or an American passport. I find it absurd to say the least.

1 comment:

  1. First, I had no idea there was a Latino Fox News--that's interesting! I also thought it was notable that "ICE spokesman for the Western District Virginia Kice said in a statement that the agency considers schools and churches to be "sensitive" sites, and thus no raids or detentions are made there."
