Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Cuban-American immigration - week of 3/30/2016

A bill is now coming into discussion - that would end benefits for Cuban-Americans who came to the United States illegally due to leaving Cuba when it was under Castro and while the United States had a embargo on Cuba. Now, there is the dawn of the Cuban thaw - a new revival of Cuban-United States relations which causes a lot of people to argue that there is no need for this bill.

I frankly think pulling benefits from underneath people like a carpet is a pitifully incoherent idea. On the other hand, what could be done is that the requirements are made stricter as to who can and can not receive benefits.

Friday, March 18, 2016

Ted Cruz and immigration phobia yet again

Thus, more and more people are coming to realize that what Ted Cruz is saying - his rhetoric - is nonsense. There is no head or tails to it and nor does Cruz's rhetoric have any aspect of reality in it. All it is - is fear and fear mongering. It is a type of not-so-subtle demagoguery that makes conspiracy theorists look sane.

And we then come to Donald Trump, whose bread and butter is insulting immigrants. He is another anti-immigrant demagogue reminiscent of the Know-Nothings and he is now getting endorsed by other such demagogues. They want to make the general population believe that blatant and incomprehensible lie that "immigrants will take our jobs" or that they already have. As a note, Donald Trump's wall (along with his deportations and unnecessary war-waging) would cost the U.S. its economy.

A normal person will recognize the contribution of immigrants to American society and would have a fair policy for immigration that doesn't involve en-mass immigration or a giant wall.

So people of America- you have two choices: sanity or insanity. Take your pick.